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Student Research Projects

There are many opportunities for research projects within the Software Science group! Some of the topics listed below (especially internships at companies) are only suitable as an MSc project. For most topics however, both a bachelor and master thesis project can be defined, as well as research internships within the department. There are many opportunities for doing internships abroad. In fact, we will be happy to help you to arrange an internship at any place on earth where serious software science research is being carried out. For instance at the Max Planck institutes in Germany, where we have multiple ongoing research collaborations and where several internships are available. Another interesting option could be to do a thesis project at CWI, a leading research in Computer Science and Mathematics in Amsterdam, see here for a list of current MSc projects at CWI. Bachelor thesis projects are written within the context of the corresponding course. General info about the process of doing your master thesis, including the administrative procedure, is available at the Master Thesis Lab webpages.

Projects are available on all of our research themes:

Analysis and Verification

Model Learning and Testing

Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence

Human Aspects and Empirical Software Engineering

* Software Refactoring (Bin Lin)

Low-carbon & sustainable computing

Systems of Systems

Code Generation for Productivity and High Performance

Mathematical Foundations of Software