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All programming courses in the bachelor curriculum lay a basis for programming systems of systems. Some courses have strong ties with this research theme.

  • NWI-IBC041: New Devices Lab This course introduces the students to programming new devices varying from home automation, internet of things applications to virtual reality.
  • NWI-IBC042: Parallel Computing This course introduces the students to the paradigm of parallel computing. The course covers shared-memory parallelization as well as parallelization with message passing on distributed-memory architectures.

If you liked these courses, there is a good chance that you might be interested in a doing a thesis in this theme.


This theme is treated in depth in:

These courses are mandatory for the Software Science master specialization

Some possible thesis projects (at BSc and MSc level) for Task-Oriented Programming and Array programming are specified. It is always possible to come up with your own topic in this field.