Department of Software Science
- On March 27th at 16.30h, Thom Badings will defend his PhD thesis Robust Verification of Stochastic Systems in the aula of Radboud University. On the same day, preceding the defence, a Symposium on Advances in Robust Verification of Stochastic Systems will be organized in the Mercator 1 building. See also this news item about Thom's research.
- Marielle Stoelinga has been appointed as member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.
- The NWO-KIC proposal Find2Fix: reducing software errors using transparent AI has been granted. The Find2Fix project, which is coordinated by Sicco Verwer from TU Delft and co-funded by ASML and dCodis, will support two PhD positions at Radboud University / iCIS. Within DiS 1 PhD student will be supervised by Erik Poll, and within SWS 1 PhD student will be supervised by Mairieli Wessel and Frits Vaandrager.
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Our mission is to conduct world-leading research on the use of models for design and analysis of software, bridging the gap between theory and applications. We have expertise covering a broad range of topics concerning analysis of computer-based systems, mathematical foundations, and software construction. We collaborate with stakeholders from industry and other application areas, trying to understand how our research can contribute to solving real-world problems. Our group is member of the IPA, the Dutch Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics, partner of ESI, and supports VERSEN, the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering. TOP Software Technology is a spin-off company founded by members of our group.