Semaphores in Uppaal

Version 4.0 of Uppaal includes C-like syntax for defining functions. This new syntax makes it possible to define very simple and elegant models of semaphores. This webpage briefly describes the semaphore models and how they can be used to solve some nontrivial concurrency problems taken from William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, seventh edition, Pearson Education Limited 2012. For more information, see also our paper on this subject.

Since Uppaal does not include the concept of a blocked process, we take a slightly more abstract view in modeling semaphores: when a process does a Wait on a semaphore it may only proceed after subsequent receipt of a Go message. If the semaphore has a positive value it will issue such a message immediately. Otherwise, the process id will be entered in a queue, and the Go message will be sent later when the process id is removed from the queue as a result of a Signal.

Technically, a semaphore s is modeled as an automaton that interacts with its environment through three sorts of synchronization actions: semWait[s][p]?, semSignal[s][p]? and semGo[s][p]!, where p is some process id in the interval [0,N-1]. The semaphore template has three parameters of type integer: (1) id, the unique identifier of the semaphore, (2) init_val, the initial value of the semaphore, and (3) queue_size, the maximal number of processes in the waiting queue. Since Uppaal does not support dynamically growing data structures, we need to fix an upper bound on the size of the queue. In our model, the queue is implemented as an array of queue_size. The semaphore also has an integer state variable count, which records the current value of the semaphore. The model is schematically depected below.

The Uppaal files for the model are available at

In this model the semaphore is used to achieve mutual exclusion for four processes. Some comments on the model: The Uppaal model for the binary semaphore is a small and obvious variation of the general semaphore model. It is available at

Tackling Concurrency Problems

Now we have models of semaphores, we can start playing with them!

The Barrier Problem

Here is an alternative solution to the barrier synchronization problem discussed by Downey in section 3.5 of his book:

The Producer/Consumer Problem

Here is a model of the incorrect solution to the Infinite-Buffer Producer/Consumer Problem using Binary Semaphores, discussed by Stallings on pages 239-242: The model is obtained in a straightforward manner from the code presented by Stallings in Fig 5.9. As Stallings point out, the problem with this solution is that variable n may become negative, that is, the consumer may consume an item from the buffer that does not exist. By posing the query E<> n<0 to the verifier ("there exists a path to a state in which n<0"), Uppaal produces a counterexample almost instantaneously. Essentially (modulo permutation of independent transitions), this is the same counterexample as the one presented by Stallings in Table 5.4. The ability of the Uppaal simulator to replay the counterexample greatly helps in understanding what goes wrong. Note that Uppaal is not able to explore the full (inifinite) state space of this model.

I also looked at the solution to the Bounded-Buffer Producer/Consumer Problem Using Semaphores presented by Stallings in Figure 5.13: Stallings claims correctness of this solution, but does not prove it. Even for large values of sizeofbuffer like 10.000, Uppaal can prove mutual exclusion and absence of deadlock automatically within a few seconds After introducing an auxiliary variable buffer that is incremented by function produce() and decremented by function consume(), Uppaal can prove the invariant property buffer >=0 and buffer <= sizeofbuffer, that is the consumer never consumes an item that does not exist, and there is no buffer overflow.

The above solution to the Bounded-Buffer Producer/Consumer Problem is also presented by Tanenbaum and Woodhul in their textbook on Operating Systems (Second Edition). The authors observe that when the order of the Wait operations in the Producer code is reversed there is a deadlock. This observation can easily be verified using Uppaal:

Dining Philosophers

In Section 6.6, Stalling discusses the Dining Philosophers problem. Of course, it is trivial to encode "solutions" to the Dining Philosophers problem in Uppaal, find deadlocks, etc


Two students, Albert Gerritsen and Allan van Hulst, encoded the unfair barbershop described in Appendix A.3 of Stallings book. Using the symmetry reduction feature of Uppaal they analyzed this model for, e.g., 2 barbers and 8 customers.

Room Party Problem

An wonderful source of concurrency problems is Downey's The Little Book of Semaphores. Marc Schoolderman pointed out that Downey's solution to the so-called "room party" problem as it was described in an earlier edition is incorrect.
