The SMV model checker is installed in /vol/itt/smv of the SC/SCI shared directory. To run the program you need to login to one of these servers and put /vol/itt/smv/bin in your PATH variable, /vol/itt/smv/man in your MANPATH variable, and /vol/itt/smv/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. For example,
setenv PATH /vol/itt/smv/bin:$PATH
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vol/itt/smv/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH="/vol/itt/smv/bin":$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/vol/itt/smv/lib"
Example: to verify "thisproperty" from the smv model given in "filename.smv".
smv -all -check thisproperty filename.smv
Example: open "filename.smv".
vw filename.smv